Easy Miles ? Do TIGARD Driving Conditions Affect Service Intervals?

Have you ever noticed that your vehicle has a schedule in your owner’s manual for what is called “severe service” maintenance? Let’s define what severe driving conditions aren’t: The easiest driving a vehicle experiences is traveling on the interstate for 20 miles (32 kilometers) or more at a constant rate of 65 miles per hour (105 kilometers per hour) in 75°F (24°C) weather with only passengers on board. Change any one of those parameters and you are adding stress to your engine. Change them significantly and you are driving under severe conditions.

Let’s look at the parameters one a time. First, the length of the trip. Short trips around TIGARD are harder on an engine than longer ones. As your engine cools down, water in the air condenses onto the engine. When you heat the engine again, the water evaporates off. This is healthy. But on short trips, the engine doesn’t stay hot enough long enough for all of the water to evaporate. So it starts to build up in the engine oil leading to sludge, which can clog up your engine and lead to serious engine damage. If most or all of your trips around the TIGARD area are less than four miles, you should be using the severe service maintenance schedule. Changing your oil more frequently at Tylers Auto TV in TIGARD will help prevent the formation of sludge.

Most of us TIGARD drivers think of severe OR weather conditions when we think of severe driving conditions. And we’re right. Cold OR weather takes its toll on the oil in your vehicle. Remember how water has to evaporate out of the oil to keep your engine healthy? It can take up to ten miles of driving for an engine to get hot enough to get rid of moisture in the oil when the weather is cold.

Hot TIGARD weather is also bad for vehicles. When an engine runs, it gets hot. The longer it runs, the hotter it gets. If it gets too hot, it breaks down. So it has to be constantly cooled to keep running. Hot OR weather means your cooling system has to work harder to keep your engine from getting too hot.

So, in the end, most of us TIGARD auto owners drive under severe conditions some of the time. Smart TIGARD residents will ask themselves the question: “Should I follow the severe service maintenance schedule?” An honest evaluation of our driving habits is the best way to determine which schedule to follow.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588


Automotive Tips from Tylers Auto TV: Air Conditioning ? Common Problem

Your auto air conditioning system cools and conditions the air in your passenger compartment when you are driving around TIGARD. It also removes moisture from the air to keep your windows from fogging up.

A common A/C problem for TIGARD drivers that visit Tylers Auto TV is contaminated refrigerant (the gas that cools the air). The inside of the A/C hoses deteriorates over time and tiny fragments of rubber clog passages. This makes the system less efficient and overworks various components.

Leaks can develop at seals and gaskets and may reduce the amount of refrigerant, causing the system to work too hard to compensate. Dirty components can have the same consequences.

Ask your Tylers Auto TV service advisor for an air conditioning system inspection to make sure everything is up to spec.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588


Automotive Tips from Tylers Auto TV: Air Conditioning Inspection

Most auto manufacturers recommend an interval for an air conditioning system inspection. The inspection uncovers leaks, worn hoses and assesses the condition of the other components.

Environmental laws in some around TIGARD require leaks to be repaired before refrigerant can be added. Also some parts manufacturers require other components to be replaced along with certain failed parts in order to maintain the new part warranty. This is because a given failure may be the result of another worn or damaged part that will, if not replaced, prematurely damage the new component.

Tylers Auto TV in TIGARD is fully equipped to restore your flow of cool air.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588


What’s up with Diesels in TIGARD?

Would you be surprised to learn that about half of the passenger cars in Europe have diesel engines? You might also be surprised to learn that most manufacturers produce a variety of diesel-fueled cars for purchase abroad.

Diesel-fueled vehicles haven’t been as popular in the North American markets like OR. But that won’t be true for long. North Americans are seeing a lot more diesel-fueled vehicles on the road. And we’re not talking about buses and trucks. These vehicles will be passenger cars, pick-ups and SUV’s.

There are two reasons for this. The first is a recent change in environmental laws that have upgraded emissions standards for diesel fuel in North America. Diesel fuel in North America used to have higher sulfur content than European fuel, meaning that it was a dirtier fuel to burn. That was okay for larger vehicles, but the lighter-weight engines in passenger vehicles just couldn’t tolerate it.

But that high sulfur content is now a thing of the past. Fuel producers are now required to sell cleaner diesel fuel in TIGARD. That opens the North American market to more diesel-powered vehicles. The second reason we’re going to see more of these vehicles in TIGARD is that they’re more fuel-efficient than their gasoline-powered counterparts. Diesel fuel has higher energy density than gasoline. That translates to more power per barrel of fuel. In your tank, that translates to better engine performance and about 20% better fuel economy.

People in TIGARD may associate diesel engines with black smoke, noise and a definite “shake, rattle and roll.” That’s also a thing of the past. Modern diesel engines are smooth, quiet and produce cleaner emissions than gasoline engines. Also, forget that three-second wait behind a diesel vehicle at a stoplight. Modern diesels are just as quick to accelerate as other vehicles on TIGARD roads.

Diesel engines have other advantages over gasoline engines. Diesel engines are heavier than gasoline engines because they require more heavy-duty parts, but that means the engines are more durable and can last longer than gasoline engines. Also, diesel engines may be the engines of the future since they can burn many of the new bio-fuels.

Bio-diesel can be manufactured from vegetable oils, including used cooking oil from TIGARD restaurants. Just think, one day you could fuel your vehicle on stuff that was once considered waste—one step closer to a cleaner environment here in OR. And if you think hybrid cars are environmentally sound, consider what a diesel-electric hybrid could mean. 

TIGARD drivers who are considering buying a diesel-fueled vehicle should know that  preventive maintenance and inspection schedules are different for a diesel engine than a gasoline engine. Diesel fuel is harder on emissions systems than gasoline, so the filters and other devices have to be changed and checked more often. Also, the fuel injection system operates at much higher pressures for diesel than for gasoline, so keeping it clean becomes a higher priority.

When you switch from a gas vehicle to a diesel, you’ll have to learn some new rules of vehicle care. But you won’t be alone. Most TIGARD service centers are aware that diesels are coming to North America and are already prepared to provide service for diesel engines. At Tylers Auto TV, we are well-versed in diesel technology. You can rely on our team of automotive professionals to provide quality service for diesel-powered vehicles.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588


Automotive Tips from Tylers Auto TV: Where Should New Tires Be Placed

When TIGARD drivers need to replace tires, they need to know how many they should get and on which axle they should be placed. Replacing a damaged tire may leave you with three others with significant wear, which could affect your traction control, stability control and anti-lock brake systems.

If you can’t afford to replace all four tires at once, you should at least replace two on the same axle. New tires should always be put on the rear axle for stability in slippery conditions. Your friendly and professional Tylers Auto TV tire professional can help you know when your worn tires should be replaced, if you can have a damaged tire repaired as well as selecting the right tires for your needs.

Give us a call.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Tylers Auto TV Advice: Don’t Overlook These 10 Automotive Services

Organization is the key to managing a busy life in OR. So setting up an annual calendar for vehicle care can keep TIGARD residents on top of preventive maintenance. But you can’t just write “oil change” every few months on the calendar. Modern vehicles have many systems that are vital to the safe operation of a vehicle, and they all need to be inspected. TIGARD residents can’t afford to overlook any of them.

The following is a list of preventive maintenance services that are often overlooked by vehicle owners in the TIGARD area. They are not presented in any particular order.

1. Tylers Auto TV Power Steering Service. Moisture gradually builds up in your power steering fluid, which can lead to corrosion in your steering system. The fluid also gets dirty, which can gum up your steering system. The fluid needs to be replaced periodically.

2. Tylers Auto TV Wheel Alignment. Wheels that are out of alignment will cause a vehicle to pull to one side. This is dangerous for TIGARD residents and can lead to accidents. Also, it causes uneven and rapid tire wear, which means tires must be replaced more often.

3. Tylers Auto TV Differential Service. They are part of the drive train system that transfers power from the engine to the wheels. Damage or wear in this system can make a vehicle undriveable.

4. Tylers Auto TV Cabin Air Filter. Your vehicle may or may not be equipped with a cabin air filter. Its job is to remove dust and pollen from the air that enters the passenger compartment of the vehicle. If this filter clogs, it can stink. So check your owner’s manual to find out if your vehicle has a cabin air filter. If so, come visit us at Tylers Auto TV and get it changed according to the recommended schedule.

5. Tylers Auto TV Timing Belt Replacement. Most passenger cars and some vans and trucks have timing belts. TIGARD residents can check their owner’s manual to find out if their vehicle has one. If so, you can’t drive without it. And if it breaks while on the road, you may be looking at thousands of dollars of repairs. So it is important to inspect it occasionally. If your vehicle has close to 60,000 miles/100,000 kilometers or more on it and you haven’t had your timing belt replaced, then you need to find out the recommended replacement interval NOW.

6. Tylers Auto TV Transmission Service. Transmission fluid gets dirty and has to be replaced. If not, you risk repairs.

7. Tylers Auto TV Air Conditioning Service. The refrigerant in your air conditioner needs to be replaced periodically. This fluid doesn’t just refrigerate air; it provides lubrication to the air conditioning system and conditions seals. Lack of fluid can damage components.

8. Tylers Auto TV Brake Service. Even if your brakes are quiet and working well, the brake fluid still might need to be changed. Over time, moisture builds up in brake fluid. Water has a different viscosity than brake fluid, so the brakes can’t compress properly when there’s too much moisture in the fluid — and you shouldn’t need to be told how it is to drive with brakes that are compromised. Moisture in your brake fluid can also corrode parts in your brake system, causing it to fail altogether.

9. Tylers Auto TV Coolant System Service. Antifreeze is another fluid that needs to be changed regularly. If not, it actually becomes corrosive and begins to damage your cooling system. Eventually it can eat holes in your radiator.

10. Tylers Auto TV Fuel System Cleaning. Over time, your fuel system just gets gummed up, which can interfere with the flow of fuel in a number of ways.

Of course, your next question should be: How often do I need to get all of this done? Well, the answer varies depending on which service we’re talking about, the make and model of your vehicle, the climate where you live in OR, your usual driving conditions and your driving habits.

But don’t lose heart. Your owner’s manual will give you a recommended service schedule for most of the service items listed. And you can get quality auto advice from your friendly and knowledgeable Tylers Auto TV service advisors to help you meet the service intervals that suit your vehicle.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Automotive Tips from Tylers Auto TV: Making Your A/C System Last Longer

TIGARD drivers know that if their air conditioning system isn’t making cool air like it used to, there is a problem. It may be as simple as adding more of the right kind of refrigerant.

Your A/C requires special compressor oil, which circulates through the system along with the refrigerant, to lubricate and protect expensive components and keep seals and gaskets from drying out. If refrigerant has leaked out – so has the compressor oil. This oil needs to be replenished whenever refrigerant is added.

An air conditioning inspection at Tylers Auto TV will uncover any potential problems and identify any necessary repairs needed to get TIGARD drivers on the road to cool air once again.

Give us a call.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Cool Breeze: Air Conditioning Service at Tylers Auto TV in TIGARD

Most OR auto owners know that their vehicles need regular preventive maintenance like changing the oil and filters, rotating the tires and refilling the washer fluid. But did you know that your air conditioning system needs routine maintenance as well? Taking care of your air conditioning system can extend its life and prevent costly repair bills.

Why is it important for TIGARD area drivers to get routine maintenance on their air conditioning system? First, the refrigerant contains an added lubricant. As the refrigerant circulates through the air conditioning system, its parts are lubricated. This constant lubrication keeps the parts functioning well. But over time, this lubricant is used up, and without it, the parts will eventually seize up and fail.

TIGARD folks should understand, however, that the air conditioner will continue to pump out cool air even without the lubricant, so you won’t know the system is sick until it actually dies. So good vehicle care includes regularly checking the refrigerant and lubricant in your vehicle air conditioning system and replacing it if needed.

The second reason your air conditioning system needs preventive maintenance is that air and water can get into the system. Air, water and the contaminants they contain will reduce the efficiency of the air conditioning system and can cause corrosion of the system’s parts. Keeping the air conditioning system clean is a practice that will extend its life and keep you from losing your cool on hot TIGARD days.

How often should you get a routine car air conditioner inspection? It varies from vehicle to vehicle. Check your owner’s manual for the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation.

Here’s a good piece of advice from Tylers Auto TV for OR vehicle owners that will extend the life of their air conditioning systems: You should run your air conditioner in the winter every once in a while. This circulates the refrigerant, which lubricates the seals. That way, they won’t dry out during cold TIGARD weather.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Why Is My Check Engine Light On?

The Check Engine Light strikes fear into the hearts of some TIGARD drivers, and is totally ignored by just as many. Just what it means is a mystery to most people.

Let’s get the urgency issues out of the way first. If your Check Engine light is flashing, that means that something is wrong that could cause engine damage. Naturally, you need to get that taken care of right away. If your check engine light is flashing, you shouldn’t drive at high speeds, tow or haul heavy loads. Take it easy all the way to your TIGARD service center.

PCV Valve Service at Tylers Auto TV in TIGARD

Today, we are talking about your PCV valve. Unburnt fuel is forced into the crankcase as your engine runs.  The PCV (positive crankcase ventilation) valve vents this unburnt fuel and oil vapors from the crankcase and sends it back into the air intake system to be burned in the engine.  A clogged PCV will not allow these vapors to escape. This can dilute and contaminate the oil, leading to damaging engine oil sludge. It can also cause vehicle engine corrosion, something we see occasionally at Tylers Auto TV. At high speeds on OR freeways, the pressure can build up to the point that gaskets and seals start to leak.

Back in the old days, vehicles were simply installed with a hose that vented these gases out into the atmosphere. But starting in the 1964 model year, environmental protection laws required that these gases be recycled back into the air intake system to be mixed with fuel and burned in the vehicle’s engine.

This is much better for air quality and improves fuel economy also. (Budget-conscious TIGARD drivers take note!) The little valve that performs this important function is the PCV valve. The PCV valve lets  gases out of the engine, but won’t let anything back in. Over time, the vented gases will gum up the PCV valve and it won’t work well. That can lead to all of the problems I’ve already described, oil leaks, excessive oil consumption and decreased fuel economy.

Fortunately, it’s very easy to test the PCV Valve at Tylers Auto TV in TIGARD and quick and inexpensive to replace. Even so, it’s often overlooked because many TIGARD vehicle owners don’t know about it. Check your vehicle owner’s manual or ask your Tylers Auto TV service advisor. If this is the first time you’ve heard of a PCV valve, you might be in line for a replacement.

There’s another aspect to the PCV system. In order for the valve to work correctly, it needs a little clean air to come in. This is done through a breather tube that gets some filtered air from the engine air filter. Now some vehicles have a small separate air filter for the breather tube called the breather element. That’ll need to be replaced at Tylers Auto TV when it gets dirty.

Please ask your TIGARD service advisor about your PCV valve. For the price of a couple of burger combo meals in TIGARD, you can avoid some very engine repairs.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588