Losing Your Cool (Why is My Air Conditioning System Not Working?)

When you turn on the air conditioning in your vehicle, you expect cool air to come out of the vents.  You depend on it, especially in hot weather, but it can also be important in humid weather when you need it to help defrost your windows and windshield.

The air conditioning system has a lot of parts to it.  It has fans and blowers to move the air through the vents into the cabin.  It has parts that take hot air and cool it off. An electrical problem can be as simple as a broken switch or a broken blower motor. The air may not be getting cool because a hose in the system is broken or the refrigerant has leaked out. 

Two major components are the compressor and the condenser.  The compressor pressurizes the refrigerant, one step in the air conditioning process.  The condenser takes that hot refrigerant and cools it down. It also reduces the pressure.

Because the climate control system in your vehicle is so complex, it’s best to leave the diagnosis to a trained, experienced technician.  You can help the technician zero in on the problem by noting what is happening and being able to show them where you notice the issues. Note what’s going on and write it down. 

When you bring your vehicle in to us to look at, a technician will inspect the system, conduct tests to make sure there’s enough refrigerant, and check to make sure there are no leaks anywhere.

Air conditioning is now included in most vehicles.  We all have grown used to being able to keep the cabin comfortable no matter what it’s like outside.  Let us make sure your system is working the way it was designed to.  That’s definitely the cool thing to do.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Feeling Powerless (Why Is My Battery Light On?)

When one of your vehicle’s warning lights comes on, the first thing that comes to mind is, “Oh, no, what’s wrong now?” When it’s the battery light, it means there’s something wrong with your vehicle’s battery or charging system.  And because both are important for your vehicle to work properly, it’s a good idea to get it checked out.  Here are some things that may cause a battery light to illuminate.

It could be that your battery has failed.  It could be on its last legs or completely dead.  When it isn’t showing it has the voltage it should, your vehicle lets you know.

If it’s not the battery itself, it could be the system that charges it.  The alternator is part of that system and could have a problem.  It could be putting out no power, too little power, or too much.  The alternator may not be working because the belt that drives it (using the engine’s mechanical power) could be broken or slipping.  Or the alternator pulley may be broken.

The alternator needs to have a solid connection to the battery, and sometimes the posts that connect to the battery cables get so corroded, they can’t conduct enough electricity. Or it could be that a battery cable isn’t conducting power properly. 

Because the alternator supplies power to other parts of your vehicle, if it gets overloaded, it will also cause your battery light to come on.  Other possibilities are an electrical short in the charging system or a failed voltage regulator.

Your vehicle may be hard to start or it may not start at all if you have any of these problems. It’s important to bring it in to us so we can diagnose and repair the problem before you wind up stranded… and feeling really powerless.  

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Let?s Shift Gears (Transmission Fluid Replacement)

If you have a vehicle with an automatic transmission, you probably never think about gear shifting.  When motor vehicles were invented, all of them had to be shifted manually.  But that wonderful self-shifting transmission, referred to these days as simply an “automatic,” changed everything.

Automatic transmissions have a lot of moving parts, and they are bathed in a fluid that keeps them lubricated and cool. That fluid also is vital to the whole gear shifting process. 

As you might imagine, the longer that fluid does its job, the more chance it has to pick up some contaminants.  Sometimes a leak will spring up in an automatic transmission.  Dirty transmission fluid or not enough of it will both create problems. It may cause your Check Engine light to come on, or your transmission may run rough and make strange noises.

The best strategy is not to let it get to this point.  That means you should have your transmission fluid replaced at regular intervals. Your vehicle’s manufacturer recommends how often you should have your transmission fluid changed. You should also have the fluid checked at regular intervals to detect if any problems crop up before that recommended interval. They’ll check not only the level but also inspect its condition.

Keep in mind that most automatic transmission problems are caused by overheating. You can reduce your chances of transmission failure by making sure your transmission—and its fluid—is regularly inspected and the fluid is replaced when it needs to be.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Catalytic Converter Replacement

Many of us have become aware of how important it is to keep our planet’s air clean, and your vehicle has a key component that helps do just that: the catalytic converter.  It’s in the exhaust system, and its job is to superheat unburned, harmful byproducts in the exhaust, so they don’t get spewed out into the atmosphere.

There’s another important purpose the catalytic converter has: it improves your vehicle’s efficiency. 

Most of us don’t give the catalytic converter much thought until it breaks or someone steals yours, something that’s been happening much more frequently in recent years.  The reason people steal them is that catalytic converters use precious metals such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium to do their job. So, they contain valuable materials thieves can sell.

The most likely reason you will have to replace your catalytic converter is age.  The more distance your vehicle travels and the more hours your engine runs, it’s putting wear and tear on the converter.  T

You can tell if your catalytic converter is failing by looking out for these signs:

  • Smell of rotten eggs inside your cabin or outside near the exhaust
  • Check Engine light is on
  • Vehicle power isn’t what it used to be, or fuel economy has plunged
  • Vehicle backfires

If you need a new catalytic converter, it can be replaced with an original equipment part if it’s available, or an aftermarket converter can be welded into the exhaust pipe.  It’s not uncommon for oxygen sensors to need replacing as well.  The technician will also check for other problems in your powertrain that may have contributed to your converter failing.

Check to see if an emissions test is required where you live.  If it is, you will have to have a properly functioning catalytic converter to pass it.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

3 Winter Windshield Tips (Care of Windshield)

Cold weather can present some real challenges when it comes to your vehicle’s windshield.  Think of it.  Your windshield is your window to the world when you’re driving, and clear visibility is extraordinarily important for safe travels. So here are 3 tips to ensure that your windshield can do its job during the cold weather.

  1. Don’t ever pour hot water on a frozen windshield.  Let’s say you head outside and see your vehicle covered with ice. You think, hey, maybe I can heat up a pot of water on the stove and melt that off fast.  Don’t do it!  You run the risk of shattering the glass the second that hot water hits the frigid glass.  Ditto for using a propane torch.  Glass does not do well with sudden temperature changes.  Instead, turn on your engine and start the defroster, which heats the windshield up gradually.  Use a plastic scraper designed for windshields (don’t EVER use metal to scrape) and be patient.  Don’t hammer on the ice to break it into pieces.  Sudden pressure and glass don’t mix.
  2. Keep your wiper blades up off the glass.  If you park your vehicle outside and you think there’s a chance of frozen precipitation falling, do what smart winter drivers do.  Lift the wiper arms off the glass and leave them extended with the blades not touching the glass at all.  That way when you go back to your vehicle, you won’t have to try to pull the wipers off the icy glass (which can damage the rubber blades) or start the wipers with them frozen solid to the windshield.  Many drivers have burned out their wiper motor that way, and that can be a pricey repair.
  3. Keep your windshield washer fluid topped off and use it often.  So you’ve followed the steps above and you’re on the road. Salt, brine and sand can muck up the windshield fast, causing your wiper blades to smear the glass, re-freeze the icy snow and blind you.  It’s important to use wiper fluid made for low temperatures so it doesn’t freeze on your glass.  Use it often so any road debris won’t scratch the glass like sandpaper.  And make sure your defroster is working properly, keeping your windshield warm enough to prevent ice from forming.  

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Reaching the Braking Point (Brake hose replacement)

If you notice your brakes aren’t working like they used to, that’s the kind of thing that’s important to have checked out soon.  That’s because your brakes are extraordinarily important to the safe operation of your vehicle. 

Sometimes you feel like your brake pedal is feeling a little soft or it’s lower than usual. Or you might feel like the brakes are on all the time, holding you back. Maybe when you release the brake pedal, it comes back up more slowly than usual. There are a few different problems that can cause your brakes to feel like any of those things, so bring your vehicle in to us and we can inspect them.

One possible cause of those brake issues is a damaged or worn-out brake hose.  Your hydraulic brakes work by carrying brake fluid to each of your wheels.  There are steel lines that carry the fluid most of the way, but because your wheels are moving all the time, a flexible hose is used to connect the steel lines and the brakes themselves.  

Sometimes those brake hoses leak, since there’s a lot of pressure inside when you use your brakes dozens or hundreds of times a day.  Road debris, aging, and corrosion at the hose fittings can loosen up that connection.  Sometimes the hoses can get blocked up if the interior lining separates from the outside. And sometimes, it’s simply a matter of the hose getting too old, and age eventually causes the rubber to fail.

When you experience brake problems, bring your vehicle in so we can have a technician take a look. Visual and manual inspections can usually pinpoint the problem areas.  The technician will look for corrosion and physical damage, plus run a pressure check.

For your vehicle to be safe on the road, your brakes need to be working the way they were designed to.  Stop. And think about it!

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Winter Watch List (Winter Maintenance Items)

Don’t love winter weather? Here’s a list of four things you need to keep a watch on during the winter months.

Let’s start with coolant levels.  Coolant is as important in cold weather as it is in hot weather.  Think of the term “anti-freeze.” Your coolant needs to be adjusted for climate and temperature so the coolant doesn’t freeze when the vehicle isn’t running. Your service facility will know the right mixture.

Next, windshield wiper fluid. Winter weather can be challenging when it comes to visibility, so it’s important to have the correct windshield washer fluid.  Some of it is specially formulated for ice and freezing temperatures. And it won’t freeze if your vehicle has to sit out in below-freezing temperatures.  And don’t forget you can get winter wiper blades that stay clearer in snowy, icy weather than ordinary blades.

Don’t forget your tire pressure and tread.  After all, tires are what connect your vehicle and the road.  As temperatures go down, so does the air pressure inside your tires, so it’s important to keep that up to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure.  Also, make sure your tires have enough tread so they can grip slippery roads. Any service facility can perform a simple test so you’ll know. If you need some new tires, they can help you find those that will fit your driving patterns.

Finally, oil gets thicker when the temperatures go down, so it’s important to have the proper viscosity for your climate.  Consult your service advisor who will make sure your vehicle is using what the manufacturer recommends.

Keep your vehicle prepared for winter weather and it will reward you with the safety and performance it’s designed for.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Oil’s Well That Ends Well (Oil Change Grades and Weight)

Changing your oil regularly is one of the most important things you can do to keep your vehicle running well.  And knowing the right type of oil to use is also very important. 

Engine oil is classified by weight, but it doesn’t refer to how much the oil would weigh if you put it on a scale.  It refers to viscosity, or how easily the oil flows through the engine.  Most engines operate normally at around 210°F/99°C.  The viscosity, or weight, is assigned a number by how well it flows at that temperature.  The lower the number, the more freely it flows. 

Most vehicle engines use what’s called a multigrade oil which behaves differently in different temperatures. Multigrade oils have a “W” in their viscosity number that you may have seen on a bottle of oil, something like 5W30.  The W stands for winter and shows how freely it flows in colder temperatures.

That means a 5W30 oil will behave like a 5 weight oil in lower temperatures (less viscous or thinner) and a 30 weight oil in warmer temperatures (more viscous or thicker).  That’s important on a cold day because the oil needs to behave like a thinner oil when you start your engine since it need to lubricate engine components immediately to protect the metal components. Then as the engine warms up, it behaves like a thicker oil to prevent friction among those parts.  Pretty neat trick, right?

The type of oil you use can differ depending on what type of climate you operate your vehicle in and how your vehicle is used (carrying big loads, towing, etc.). Your owner’s manual contains several different recommendations based on these factors.  Your service advisor can recommend the right oil for your needs.  Like Shakespeare said, “Oil’s well that ends well.”

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Alleviate the Creaks and Squeaks (Chassis Lubrication)

If your vehicle creaks and squeaks when you drive down the road, it may mean that some of the metal parts are rubbing against each other and need to be lubricated.  Those could be parts of the suspension, steering system and the drivetrain. 

Years ago, most vehicles had to have their chassis (what you think of as the frame) regularly lubricated.  Newer vehicles are made with what some call “lifetime lubrication,” but there are still parts of the chassis that need to be maintained with lubricants.  Your service advisor can help you know when that needs to be done.

In your owner’s manual, the vehicle’s manufacturer lists components that need regular maintenance. Things like u-joints, steering joints, sway bars, bushings and joints in the suspension. Some of them may have that “lifetime lubrication,” while others may not. When you bring your vehicle in for service, a technician will look for any parts that have grease fittings.  They will inspect these components, clean the fittings so dirt and other contaminants won’t be forced into the part and then lubricate them with a lubricant that meets the manufacturer’s specifications. 

Sometimes a chassis lubrication is done at the same time as an oil change.  That’s also an ideal time for the technician to check other parts of your vehicle that may need attention.  That could include greasing other parts such as the fuel door, trunk and door hinges, suspension springs and door latches.

Times have changed since the days when a “lube” job was synonymous with an oil change. Depend on your owner’s manual and advice from your service advisor to know when “grease” is the word—and appropriate for your vehicle.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Put the Brakes On! (Brake Caliper Replacement)

Keeping your vehicle’s brakes in top shape is one of the most important things you can do for your safety and those on the road with you. Most drivers know a little about brake pads and rotors but maybe not so much about another brake component called the calipers.

Disc brakes work by a mechanical system that presses your brake pads against discs called rotors (you can usually see these discs through your wheels). The friction stops your vehicle smoothly when everything is working the way it should.  The calipers use the hydraulic pressure of the brake fluid to apply the stopping power. 

After they’ve been on your vehicle for a while, the calipers can get stuck or wear out.  If calipers on one side of the vehicle work correctly and not on the other, you might feel a pull in one direction.  You might feel the same kind of pull if the caliper is stuck and is applying constant pressure.  You might hear scraping or squealing coming from a stuck caliper and you might smell burning on that side.  The friction from a caliper that’s always applying pressure may cause that wheel to heat up, so after you’ve pulled your vehicle off the road safely, the wheel with the stuck caliper will might feel hotter than the others

Because there are many different components to the brakes, it’s best to leave the diagnosis and repair to a trained technician. They will run each wheel through a series of tests and inspections that can pinpoint the problem.  Sometimes it involves more components than just the caliper that may need changing at the same time.

The best way to make sure your brakes will perform well is to is to have our service center perform regular inspections and follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended service.  That way your brakes will be ready, willing and able when you call on them to put a stop to things.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588