Road Ready (Trip Inspection)

Maybe you’ve been cooped up for a while and are yearning for a change of scenery.  Or maybe you need to visit a relative who lives far away.  You choose not to fork out the big bucks for airline tickets, so it’s time for a road trip.  Make sure you’re road ready by having your vehicle professionally inspected before the big drive.

One of our technicians can check out several of your vehicle’s most important systems so you can be more confident that you’ll be able to go the distance without a breakdown.  Here are a few things a trip inspection may include:

Your vehicle stops with brakes that, in turn, stop the tires.  They must both be in sound condition. The technician can look at your tire tread, the condition of the sidewalls, and note the tires’ age.  Brakes have pads and rotors that should meet certain specs, so an expert inspection of their condition is important, too.

A technician can check other vital fluids such as engine coolant, power steering, transmission, and windshield washer fluid. Your wipers must be in good condition so you can see, and they’re often one of the most neglected parts of a vehicle. 

Your headlights must work correctly and be aimed properly so you can see and so that you’re not blinding oncoming drivers. They’re powered by your battery, and a technician will check how old yours is and how well it holds a charge, all important for reliable starting. 

For cabin comfort, your climate control system needs to work correctly, which means both heat and air conditioning.  If things need to be repaired – before the trip will be a lot more convenient than trying to do it while you’re traveling.

The technician can inspect hoses and belts, two things that frequently fail on a long trip.  And the big advantage of having a pro look over your vehicle is that they not only know what to look for but also can make the repairs the right way.  Now that’s the ticket to being road ready.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

The Little Valve that Could (PCV Valve Replacement)

It’s easy to get letters like PVC and PCV mixed up.  PVC is a plastic that’s used in a lot of things, especially plumbing pipes.  And PCV is a valve that helps your engine burn off excess fumes rather than having them pollute our atmosphere. 

PCV stands for positive crankcase ventilation.  When your engine ignites gasoline in the cylinders, some of the gases produced make their way into the crankcase, where oil is held to lubricate the engine.  In earlier days, those gases would be vented out through a hose and go directly into the air.  It was a waste of gasoline (since about three-fourths of the gases were unburned fuel) and a nasty source of pollution.

So engineers devised a one-way valve that directed those gases back into the engine’s air intake system to be burned again.  After a while, the PCV valve can get clogged up with gummy oil.  Not only does that reduce the recirculation of the gases, but it can also cause pressure in the crankcase to increase and possibly lead to an oil leak.

Signs your PCV valve has failed are oil leaks around the engine compartment or under your vehicle and poor engine performance. Your fuel economy will get worse. If you notice those signs, we can check your PCV valve. 

At the same time a technician inspects the PCV valve, they’ll also check the vacuum hose that runs back to the air intake.  Plus, they’ll make sure the vehicle doesn’t have any other engine problems that might be contributing to your issues. 

Many technicians recommend replacing your PCV valve with each major tune-up, so you get ahead of any problems before they develop.  Now that you’re an expert on PCV, it may be time to check out those PVC pipes in your bathroom!

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Shifty Letters PRNDL (Transmission)

You probably figured out those shifty letters.  They’re what you see on your automatic transmission shifter and stand for Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive and Low.  Your automatic transmission is one of the great automotive inventions; here are some ways you can keep yours working well.

Maintain your transmission regularly.  A technician will check your transmission fluid’s level and even its appearance and smell.  If it’s dark or has an unusual odor, that could be a sign of trouble.

Change from one transmission direction gear into another only when your vehicle is stopped.  So many drivers want to switch from Reverse to Drive quickly or the other way around.  If you do that when the vehicle is moving, you can damage your automatic transmission.

Keep your vehicle’s cooling system in top shape.  What does the cooling system have to do with the transmission? It helps keep the transmission fluid from overheating. 

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for maintaining your transmission.  Some recommend at least an annual checkup by a trained technician. 

Let your powertrain warm up a little before overtaxing it. Especially in cold weather, don’t step on the throttle too aggressively before all components are warmed up.  That way both your engine and transmission will last longer.

Transmissions can be costly to fix.  If you treat your powertrain with respect and regularly maintain it, you’ll not only avoid expensive repairs, but you’re also much less likely to find yourself stranded because of a transmission problem. 

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Breathe Easier (Cabin Air Filter)

When you get in your vehicle, how does it smell? If it’s not so nice, it may be time to have your cabin air filter changed.

It’s not the same one that filters out the air used in the engine.  The cabin air filter screens out dust and other particulates from the outside air so when it enters the cabin, you don’t have to breathe them in when you’re driving.  Maybe your commute finds you traveling along dusty rural roads, or maybe you pass by some city factories that have smokestacks spewing out smoky exhausts.  Or in spring, maybe you notice your allergies acting up because of the pollen in the air.  The cabin air filter will remove a lot of those things.

The more it filters out, the more those small particles add up.  That reduces how much airflow the heating/air conditioning system can handle, and you may notice not as much air is coming through your vehicle’s vents.  That can also be a sign you need your air filter replaced.

Our technicians will remove and inspect the air filter; it’s usually located around the glove compartment, under the dash or sometimes in the engine compartment. If you wish, your service advisor can show you what condition yours is in; if it needs replacing, you’ll be able to see the dirt, bugs, leaves and other crud that accumulates after several months of driving. 

Each vehicle’s manufacturer recommends an interval after which your cabin air filter should be replaced. Depending on how much and where you drive, you might find yourself needing a replacement more or less often than the manual suggests.

Just like you clean your furnace filters periodically, it’s wise to do the same with your vehicle.  After you do, you’ll find you might just breathe easier!

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Plugging Away (Spark Plug Replacement)

If you drive a vehicle with a gasoline engine, thank the spark plugs for igniting the gasoline/air mixture in each cylinder that keeps your vehicle traveling smoothly down the road every day.  Your spark plugs work hard, firing thousands of times in a well-choreographed order, and you usually don’t pay much attention to them until one of them stops working the way it should.

Signs that spark plugs are wearing out include:

  • Engine runs more roughly than it did
  • Vehicle doesn’t start as easily as it used to
  • Vehicle hesitates when you press on the accelerator
  • Your fuel economy has gotten worse

When a spark plug stops working altogether, you will find your engine has likely lost a lot of its power and isn’t running smoothly.  Your Check Engine light may  come on.  Then it’s time to head to come to our service center to have it diagnosed.

If your plugs need to be replaced, they’re usually done all at the same time. And if your vehicle has spark plug wires, experts recommend you change them as well. Different type of spark plugs last longer than others, and your service advisor can discuss what’s best for your vehicle and driving habits.

A technician will also determine if there are any carbon deposits on your plugs, how healthy the ignition coil is (it’s the part that supplies the high-voltage jolt that makes the spark) and will look for other signs and symptoms that may point to other problems in your engine. For instance, if a spark plug is fouled by oily deposits, it’s possible oil is getting into the combustion chamber. 

They will also check all the plugs to see if there are problems in just one or all cylinders.  Sometimes a technician will find a plug that has overheated, literally melting the metal.  In that case, they may recommend they correct that problem before replacing the spark plugs.

Most spark plugs will last for a good, long time.  Even if you aren’t seeing any symptoms they’re wearing out, make sure you have your service advisor check your vehicle manufacturer’s recommended maintenance intervals.  Preventative maintenance will keep your vehicle running reliably so you can count on it to get you where you want to go. 

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Steering You Right (Power Steering Signs of Problems)

Nearly every modern vehicle on the road today has power steering, a wonderful invention that makes steering take far less effort than it did in the “good old days.”  Today, we take our steering for granted: until something goes wrong, that is.

Most power steering these days is rack-and-pinion, the rack being a metal bar between the front wheels with notches in it and the pinion being a gear whose teeth fits into those notches.  Adding power assist makes it easy to turn. That assist comes in the form of hydraulic fluid that is pressurized by a pump powered by the engine, an electric motor that adds a power assist or a system that uses both an electric motor and hydraulic fluid.

Your vehicle usually gives you a heads up that something is going wrong with its steering. Here are a few signs to look for:

  • A humming, whirring, rubbing or grinding sound coming from you engine compartment when you turn.
  • Signs of hydraulic fluid leaking, such as wet spots under your vehicle.
  • The smell of burning oil while you’re driving.
  • Steering wheel hard to turn or vibrating.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to have a trained technician check them out.  They may be signs of:

  • Power steering pump going bad
  • Steering rack or gear seals wearing out, causing them to lose hydraulic fluid
  • Broken fluid hose
  • Defective power steering cooler
  • Loss of pressure in the power steering gearbox
  • Worn out steering pump belt
  • Failing electric power steering motor

It’s important to have these checked out sooner rather than later. You need to be able to steer properly in order to drive safely. Plus, some of these problems can cause more serious—and expensive—damage if they’re not fixed.  Power steering is a wonderful feature of your vehicle.  Keep it well maintained and it will steer you right.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

The Last Gas (Fuel Pump Replacement).

You’re heading down the road and you notice your vehicle is sputtering, like it’s running out of gas.  But the gauge show’s it’s still got a quarter of a tank.  So what gives?

It could be that your fuel pump is failing, meaning your engine is not getting enough gas to run properly.  While fuel pumps are built to last a long time, sometimes they fail.  Other symptoms you may have a bad fuel pump include your vehicle stalling and then refusing to start again, the engine overheating or a hum or whirr coming from around the gas tank.  Or, your Check Engine light may come on.

Most fuel pumps are in the gas tank. They have a small electric motor in them.   When you bring your vehicle to our service center, a technician will run tests to confirm the fuel pump is getting power to it but has failed.  Some vehicles have an access panel so the fuel pump can be removed and replaced. 

But in some vehicles that don’t have that access panel, the technician has to drain the fuel and take the tank out of the vehicle to be able to replace the fuel pump inside.  Some parts such as brackets that attach the pump can be reused when the new fuel pump is installed.  Most technicians will recommend replacing the fuel filter at the same time the fuel pump is changed out.

If the technician has to remove the fuel tank, they’ll also check for rust and corrosion and replace any affected parts.

Keep one thing in mind – your vehicle’s fuel pump is in the fuel tank because it’s kept cool and lubricated by the gasoline in the tank.  Try not to let your fuel level go below a half or quarter of a tank to maximize the life of your fuel pump.  Also, try to use Top Tier gasoline that has higher standards than some other fuels.  Your engine—and fuel pump—will thank you.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Light Up your Life (Headlamp Replacement)

Did you know that having a burned out headlight can result in your rearview mirror reflecting some flashing lights? In other words, you might get pulled over by the police for only having one working headlight, because in most places it’s against the law. 

Not only is it illegal to drive with one headlight burned out, but it’s also dangerous. You can’t see down the road nearly as well at night with only one headlight, and other drivers can’t see you as easily either.

The good news is many newer vehicles warn you when one of your headlamps burns out. When that happens, have it taken care of as soon as you can.  While there was a time when all headlamps were pretty much the same, the same isn’t true these days. There are halogen, Xenon, LED and other technologies used in modern vehicles.  Plus there are sealed beams (like those on older vehicles) and capsules.

If you have a burned out headlamp, ask your service advisor for recommendations.  Usually when one side goes, the other isn’t far behind. Many suggest replacing both headlamps at the same time.  Your vehicle’s owner’s manual can tell you what the manufacturer recommends.  You also can ask your service advisor about upgrading to a headlight that might give you better visibility. 

In order to make sure you’re able to see down the road the way your vehicle was designed and not blind oncoming drivers, it’s vital that new headlights be aimed properly.  That’s another good reason to have this service performed by a technician. Now, that’s a really bright idea.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Straight to the Point (Alignment Signs of Problems)

It’s just common sense that your vehicle will drive better if all the wheels are lined up with each other and the road the way the engineers intended.  When they’re not, that is called being out of alignment.   Here are some signs that your alignment has problems.

  • Your steering wheel isn’t straight when your vehicle goes straight down a straight road. This one’s pretty easy to notice.  If your vehicle’s logo on the wheel is tilted, that’s probably not the way designers wanted it to be. Bring it in and have us check it out.
  • Your steering wheel is vibrating on a smooth road or when you are accelerating.  While this could be caused by several different things, one possibility is misalignment.  If your steering wheel is shaking, it should be examined by a trained technician.
  • Your vehicle is pulling to one side without you wanting it to.  Sometimes the configuration of the road will cause it to pull slightly left or right.  But if you find yourself constantly correcting course to keep your vehicle headed straight down the road, that’s worth having us look at your alignment.
  • You’re going through tires like there’s no tomorrow. The tread on your tires should be wearing nice and evenly from the outside to the inside of the tire.  If the wear isn’t even, it could be your vehicle needs an alignment.

We have equipment designed to quickly and accurately measure your vehicle’s alignment.  We can make precise adjustments to make sure you are headed straight where you want to go.  Have your alignment checked regularly. It can help prevent more serious problems in the future and make your vehicle drive as beautifully as you remember it used to.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Oil Times are a-Changin’ (Oil Change Synthetic)

When it comes to oil changes, things are really changing.  Most newer vehicles require synthetic oil, and while it costs more than conventional oil, it doesn’t need to be changed as often.

When conventional oil was the only game in town, you changed your oil every 3,000 miles/5,000 km. But as technology in newer vehicles has rapidly changed, so has oil technology.  Synthetics have been around since the seventies.  Even though they start with a conventional oil base, they are engineered in a chemical processing plant with properties that allow them to keep your engine lubricated at very high temperatures.  They are more uniform and consistent.

Synthetic oil doesn’t break down as easily, so it lasts longer than conventional oil.  And synthetic oil can flow more easily, even in extremely low temperatures.  As you can see, it has performance advantages at both temperature extremes.

Generally, in recent years automakers have been shipping most of their vehicles with either synthetic oil or a synthetic blend.  Blends are cheaper and have many of the advantages of synthetics.  Another reason synthetic oil is being used in many newer vehicles is its ability to flow more easily improves efficiency.   

It’s important to follow your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations when you have your oil changed, so our service adviser can see what options you have for your vehicle. Many newer vehicles come with specific recommendations for synthetic oil. If you live in an area with wide temperature extremes or do a lot of stop-and-go driving, synthetic oil can offer advantages. 

Older vehicles can do fine with conventional oil, but it will have to be changed more than synthetic oil. Also, if you have an older vehicle with more than 75,000 miles/120,000 km on it, it can be more prone to leak and burn oil. Some synthetic oils are designed to protect those high-mileage vehicles better than conventional oil, and yours may benefit. See what your service adviser thinks.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588