Putting a Stop to Brake Problems (Brake Service)

It’s safe to say that most drivers take their brakes for granted.  You press on the brake pedal and the vehicle slows down or stops.  It’s easy to see why it is so important for your vehicle’s brakes to be working correctly.  Brakes are an important safety feature of any vehicle.

When it comes to your brakes working correctly, maintaining them regularly will ensure that you will always be able to slow or stop your vehicle in any situation, whether on a sunny day on dry pavement or a bad weather day on slippery surfaces.  And that is why regular brake service is such a sound investment for all drivers. The combo of brakes” and “surprises” doesn’t usually end well.

You might already know about some of the parts of your braking system.  Terms familiar to you might be pads, rotors, and calipers. In short, the calipers press the pads, which in turn contact the rotors.  The resulting friction slows your vehicle.  Another type of brake uses a drum and brake shoes.  But both count on friction to work.

When you come in to have us check your brakes, we’ll make sure those parts are all in good working together and meet the specifications of your vehicle manufacturer.  But there are other important components as well.  Your brake system has several parts of a hydraulic system that uses fluids to conduct the pressure you put on the brake pedal to the brakes on all of your wheels.  There are hoses and lines that can sometimes degrade because of road salt or debris.  

Last and not least, your vehicle has an emergency or parking brake. It’s something you’ll need to prevent your vehicle from rolling when you park on a steep incline. Your parking brake also is an important backup if your hydraulic brakes fail.  

Give your brakes some tender loving care with regular service and they’ll be there when you need them.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Lubricate Driveshaft

See if any of these are happening to your vehicle.  You feel it vibrating excessively underneath when it’s running, or you hear strange clunking, grating, or grinding sounds coming from beneath.  Maybe it’s hard to turn your vehicle, or you can hear squeaking when you’re going slow.  Perhaps you feel a shudder when you step on the throttle.  

Any of those could be signs that your vehicle’s driveshaft might need lubricating, and it’s important to have one of our technicians check it out. Your vehicle’s engine puts out a lot of twisting power.  That force is called torque, and the driveshaft is the part that handles the job of transferring all that torque from your engine to the wheels.  If it’s a four-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle, it will have driveshafts front and rear. 

Some driveshafts have different segments which are connected by couplings called U-Joints.   So that everything can glide along fine, that whole assembly needs to stay well lubricated.  Our technician can inspect the driveshaft and U-joints to make sure there aren’t any broken or excessively worn parts.  

Many manufacturers recommend servicing and lubricating the driveshaft at certain intervals, and it’s important to keep on that schedule.  It’s essential because poor lubrication can lead to a failure while you are driving, possibly causing other expensive parts to fail.  Not keeping your driveshaft lubricated or failing to maintain it regularly is the top cause of driveshaft problems. 

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Keeping Yourself in Suspension (Control Arm Assembly Replacement)

When you are pointing your vehicle straight down the street, it should go straight.  That’s pretty straightforward, right? Sometimes, though, you may notice you have to keep adjusting the steering wheel to keep going straight.  While that could be caused by many different issues, one possibility is that you have a failing or bent control arm.

Another sign is that when you brake, your vehicle pulls to one side or the other.  Sometimes your suspension may sound noisy, especially when you’re traveling on rough surfaces.  A damaged control arm may also make it almost impossible for you to get a good wheel alignment. 

The control arms are part of your suspension, and some vehicles have upper control arms and lower control arms.  Not all have the same number of control arms, but one thing is important: If you have worn bushings on your control arms or a worn-out ball joint, the control arm on the other side should also be replaced.  The rubber bushings are susceptible to damage from age and exposure to the elements, and ball joints usually shouldn’t be replaced separately. 

Any time you have a suspension issue, it’s important that a technician inspects the other parts of your suspension as well.  If one part of it is showing its age, it’s not unusual for other components to show similar wear.  

One other thing.  If you’ve had one of your control arms bent or damaged in an accident, you must have it replaced.  Your suspension is an important part of your vehicle’s safety and handling, so you should keep it in good operating condition.  After all, your life is riding on it, literally.   

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Motor Oil?The Synthetic Advantage (Synthetic oil vs Conventional)

You’ve probably already heard that regular oil changes are extremely important for the health of your vehicle’s engine. That’s sound advice.  But what you might not know is when it comes to motor oil, the real thing may not be the best thing for your engine.

There are different types of motor oil:
•    Conventional oil, extracted from the ground and refined.
•    Synthetic oil, manufactured from high-quality base oils and artificially-made chemical compounds.
•    Synthetic oil blend, a mixture of conventional and synthetic oils.

The first thing you need to know is that most new engines require synthetic oil.  If synthetic oil is recommended for your car – you MUST use it.

For the rest, there are many advantages to using synthetic oil over conventional oil. 

•    Synthetic oil provides better protection for your engine while helping it to perform better.
•    Conventional oil breaks down over time, while synthetic oil lasts longer.
•    Synthetics can stand higher temperature extremes, both heat, and cold.

Synthetic oil can be a better choice if you live in an extremely hot or cold climate or put a lot of strain on your engine by towing or carrying heavy loads.  It also may be good for older engines that sometimes have a tendency to develop sludge. 

Synthetic oil is a more expensive option, but you likely won’t have to have your oil changed as often.  Some synthetics are recommended to last 10,000-15,000 miles/16,000-24,000 km between changes. 

You might also consider a synthetic blend that gives you some of the advantages of synthetic oil at a lower cost. Have a talk with your service adviser about recommendations for what will best suit your vehicle and driving habits. 

It’s interesting to note that in recent years, more than one out of two vehicle owners are opting for synthetic oil or a synthetic blend when they get their oil changed. Sounds like they’re on to something. In the long run, if you have fewer oil changes with synthetics, you’ll use less oil, a bonus for our environment. 

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

The ?Man-Made? Engine Oil (Synthetic Oil Change)

If you own a newer vehicle, your vehicle’s manufacturer may require that it use synthetic oil instead of conventional oil.  Synthetic oils are more stable, don’t break down as easily, and provide better engine protection than conventional oil. All those things can prolong the life of your engine and help it run better.

Imagine the damage that could happen to your engine as it operates at high speeds and very hot temperatures.  Oil reduces the friction between the metal parts.  That’s why it’s important that it maintains its lubricating properties for a long time, which synthetic oil does better than conventional oil.  

Clean oil is better than dirty oil because it has fewer impurities.  Synthetic oil is purer because of how it’s formulated and manufactured.  Plus, as the outside temperatures change, the ability of oil to operate in those conditions is important.  
For example, the colder it gets, it’s important for oil to flow easily to retain its lubricating properties. How thick a fluid is changes in different temperatures, and that thickness is known as viscosity, Synthetic oils are better at maintaining their viscosity throughout temperature changes. 

It’s not only newer vehicles that can benefit from synthetic oil.  If you have an older vehicle, synthetic oil may offer superior lubricating than conventional.  Our technicians can advise you what’s the best oil for your vehicle and how often you need to change it, which may vary from the owner’s manual recommendations.  You might find you’re able to change your oil less frequently than you used to with conventional oil.  

Yes, synthetic oil is more expensive than conventional, so let us help you decide whether its advantages are worth the difference in price.  

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

(Timing Belt)

You may have heard about an important part of your vehicle’s engine called a timing belt, and many know that if that belt breaks, it can cause some very serious engine problems.  

Not all vehicles have them, and the ones that do generally have smaller engines.  The timing belt keeps the engine synchronized so that every time a spark plug fires, the crankshaft, camshaft, pistons, and valves are all working together.  Timing belts will eventually have to be replaced, and most vehicle manufacturers recommend when that should be.  Typically, it’s around every 60,000-100,000 miles, or 100,000-160,000 km. It’s a good idea to stick to your vehicle’s schedule or be alert for signs that the timing belt may be failing prematurely.

Some of those symptoms? Maybe your engine won’t even turn over when you try firing it up. You might hear a ticking or banging sound under the hood.  Perhaps you spot an oil leak or notice the engine misfiring.  If any of those are happening to your vehicle, we strongly advise you to bring it in to us so we can have a technician see what’s causing the issue. 

Again, if your timing belt breaks, it can cause serious, expensive engine damage to valves and pistons. It is far better to have the timing belt replaced before it breaks.

Replacing it is fairly involved, and other associated parts, such as the water pump, thermostat, tensioner, and idler pulleys may be replaced at the same time.  That way, your timing belt is more likely to last another 60,000-100,000 miles/100,000-160,000 km without any problems. 

Timing belts are being used in fewer vehicles, with more and more using timing chains since they last longer.  If you’re wondering if your vehicle has one, contact our service adviser who can check. Maybe it’s time to schedule a timing belt replacement to keep your vehicle’s engine parts working in harmony as they should.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

A Bright Spark (Ignition Coil Replacement)

Ever wonder how your vehicle’s engine is able to take the 12-volts from its battery and ramp that up to as high as the tens of thousands of volts it takes to fire its spark plugs? The secret is something called an ignition coil.  Most newer vehicles have an ignition coil at each cylinder, but older ones have a coil that serves all of the spark plugs. 

There are telltale signs that you have an ignition coil problem.  As you might expect, one symptom is it’s hard to start your engine or it won’t start at all.  If your engine is misfiring or not running smoothly or you see the Check Engine light come on, those all could point to an ignition coil failure.

Several things can contribute to ignition coil trouble in addition to normal wear and tear. Moisture and dirt may have gotten inside the coil, plus the heat and vibration of your engine over time can contribute to them going bad.  Bad spark plugs or plug wires can also be a cause.  

While ignition coils can last 100,000 miles/160,000 km, depending on how you drive and in what conditions.  If you start noticing some of the signs and symptoms just described, it’s a good idea to schedule a visit to see us so a technician can diagnose what’s wrong. Driving too long with an engine misfiring can damage your catalytic converter, and that can be expensive to replace.

A technician will thoroughly check your ignition system and determine where the failure is.  If it’s only one coil that’s bad, it may be the only thing that will need replacing.  If your vehicle has a distributor, it may also need to be replaced.  Properly-working ignition coils will help your vehicle operate at its best and help prevent future engine damage.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Do I Need Brake Service? (Brake Service)

Think of how many times you put your foot on your vehicle’s brake pedal every day.  And think of how much you rely on your brakes to slow down and stop your momentum.  When it comes to safety systems, your brakes are at the top of the list, and that’s why it’s so important to keep them in top condition. Brakes are something you make sure you keep maintained before they start showing signs of problems.

Some of those signs are a grinding sound when you step on the brake pedal, your vehicle pulling to one side when you brake, you don’t feel your brakes stopping you as quickly as they used to, or you notice the brake light is illuminated on your instrument panel. 

We ask a lot of our brakes.  They have to work no matter how hot or cold it is outside.  That means whether it’s sunny, snowing, raining, or icy; you’re traveling at highway speeds or school-zone speeds; or when suddenly you find yourself trying to avoid hitting another vehicle, animal, person, or obstacle in the road.  They have to work on smooth or rough pavement.

When you bring your vehicle in to us for brake service, we will first inspect your brakes and all the parts in the system.  Our technician will closely check all the components for wear, deterioration, and corrosion.  We’ll check fluids, bushings, seals, and other components and make recommendations for what should be replaced or repaired to keep the system in top condition.  We’ll recommend quality parts that meet your vehicle manufacturer’s specifications. 

We want to make sure your vehicle’s brakes are doing for you what they are designed to do.  Your safety—and the safety of all the people around you—is at stake when it comes to your brakes.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Timing is Everything (Timing Belt)

Talk about exquisite choreography; it happens under the hood of your vehicle every time you take a drive.  Your engine’s many complex parts must work exactly together.  One key is a part called a timing belt, which enables the synchronizing of two of your engine’s components, the camshaft, and the crankshaft.  

The timing belt coordinates the valves in your engine to open and close at the appropriate time to get exhaust out of the engine’s cylinders. Timing belts may also power the water pump and the oil pump.  The belt is made of rubber.  Some engines use a timing chain (made of metal). 

Your vehicle’s manufacturer recommends an interval after which you should have your timing belt or chain replaced, and that service should be part of your vehicle’s regular maintenance.  It’s always better to replace it before it breaks rather than after.  After all, if your timing belt breaks while you’re driving down the road, it throws off the whole sync of engine parts and can cause major damage to the type of engines most commonly used in vehicles today.

It’s also important to remember that a timing belt is made of rubber, and rubber deteriorates with time, no matter how much use it gets. Have us look at your timing belt to see if it’s time to get it replaced.  

Here are some signs to look for that will let you know if your timing belt is failing. You might have trouble starting your vehicle, it may misfire or black smoke may come out the tailpipe. If you notice any of those symptoms, bring your vehicle in and have us take a look right away.  When it comes to your engine, timing is everything.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Out of Joint (CV Joint and Boot Replacement)

If you have a front-wheel-drive vehicle, it has components called CV joints which enable you to turn your wheels smoothly. The CV stands for “constant velocity.” In essence, it’s a set of gears that connect a shaft that allows power from the transmission to be sent to the wheels.  When you turn the wheels, no matter what angle, the input velocity rotation will be equal to the output. Thus, the name, CV (constant velocity) joint. Other vehicles with 4-wheel drive and all-wheel drive also use CV joints.  

If one of your CV joints isn’t working right, you may find your vehicle difficult to handle.  If one breaks, your vehicle may stop moving.  So, it’s important that CV joints be in top working condition.  The joints need a lot of lubrication, so they are surrounded by grease.  There’s a rubber enclosure around them called the boot which holds the grease in and protects CV joints from the elements. 
The biggest problems come when one of those rubber boots cracks.  Water and dirt can then get into the joint, causing it to wear down and lose all its vital lubrication.  It’s important to have your CV joints inspected regularly so a technician can spot cracks before the CV joints are ruined.  Sometimes just the boot can be replaced before any major damage is done.  But when the joint does go bad, it must be replaced.  

Signs your CV joint needs changing out? You might hear a clicking sound when you turn if the CV joint is worn out. You might notice some thick, black grease around your wheel or on the pavement where you park your vehicle.  You might also feel your vehicle vibrate when you’re going fast.

If you suspect you might have a bad CV joint, bring your vehicle in so a technician can determine what’s going on.  Keep your CV joints in good shape and reduce the risk of them seizing up at an inopportune time so you can avoid being stranded.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588