When it Comes to Air Filters, Change is Good (Clogged Air Filter)

Engine air filters may not seem like a big deal, but when they’re clogged up with dirt, dust, and insects, your engine could wind up choking for air and not delivering you the power and performance it was designed to give.

There are actually a couple of air filters in your vehicle.  One filters the air going into the cabin (the cabin air filter), and the other filters air going into the engine.  That engine filter is the one we’re talking about. After several months and long distances traveled, your engine air filter accumulates the junk it’s preventing from getting into your engine. You may notice your engine misfiring, your acceleration may not be what it used to be, it may make strange noises, and the Check Engine light may come on.

When you notice any of those signs, it’s time to bring in your vehicle to have us figure out what’s going on. We’ll visually inspect your air filter.  Keep in mind that your vehicle’s manufacturer recommends a replacement interval for your make and model.  Typically, many automakers suggest replacing the air filter every 10,000-15,000 miles/16,000-24,000 km.  But if you drive in areas that are dirty and dusty, you should have it checked more frequently.  Also, if you spend a lot of your driving hours in congested urban areas, stop-and-go driving can also tax your engine air filter.

When replacing it, it’s important to get the correct filter. Automakers often offer a variety of engines in the same model, so our technician will make sure you’re getting the one that’s made for your vehicle’s configuration.  Keep in mind that the air filter is protecting your engine from contaminants, and having one that properly fits is important with today’s modern, high-tech engines.  

Replacing your engine air filter can help prolong the life of your engine. You’ll both breathe better.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

It’s (Not) Complicated (Engine Air Filter)

While many components of your vehicle are complex and composed of lots of mechanical and electrical parts, there’s one that isn’t complicated but still important.  It’s your engine air filter.

(And, we should point out, the engine air filter isn’t to be confused with the cabin air filter.  The cabin air filter cleans air that goes into the passenger compartment while the engine air filter cleans air that goes into the engine itself.)

Why does your engine need a filter? Think of all the stuff–dirt, dust, and debris in the air¬–that gets kicked up on the road.  If that were to go unfiltered into your engine, it could damage other components.

There are many different materials used in an engine air filter, including paper, cloth (frequently cotton), and other synthetic fabrics.  The material is usually folded tightly to maximize the filtering capability over a relatively small surface.  

Before computers were employed to determine the proper mix of air and gasoline, a dirty air filter could contribute to a decline in fuel economy.  But a study of engine air filters done by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2009 found that in modern fuel-injected engines, computers can maintain the correct air/fuel mix even when an engine air filter is really dirty, minimizing effects on fuel economy.

That same clogged air filter, though, can affect your vehicle’s performance, mainly how much power and acceleration it delivers.  In testing three different vehicles, a dirty air filter made the vehicles slower by about 6-12%.  That’s something you’d definitely notice if you were driving.

But it happens slowly, over the course of several months, so you might not even know your engine air filter is dirty unless you bring it to us and have a technician inspect yours.  

There are many different types of engine air filters, from the ones made by the original vehicle manufacturer to aftermarket ones.  Some can increase your engine’s performance; some can be washed and re-used but are generally more expensive.

Your service advisor can recommend several options for you, depending on the type of vehicle you drive and your driving habits.  Dirty, dusty roads will require more frequent engine air filter changes than cleaner drive routes, and each vehicle manufacturer recommends when your filter should be changed.  Keeping it clean will help your engine breathe a little bit easier.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Command Performance (Engine Air Filter)

The internal combustion engine in your vehicle counts on two things that mix together to be burned in the engine for power: fuel and air.  Both are important, of course.  If you run out of fuel, your engine won’t run at all.  Since there’s plenty of air around, you won’t run out of air, but you could feel your vehicle’s performance suffer if the engine air filter starts to get clogged. 

It’s important that the air that enters your engine be free of dirt, dust, and debris to prevent damage to internal components.  That’s where the engine air filter comes in.  It prevents those particles from entering the engine, an important job that most people just take for granted.

After a while, your air filter will get dirty, which results in less air reaching the engine.  Modern fuel injected engines can adjust the amount of gas to mix with the air that is getting in, so your fuel economy won’t change significantly.  What will change is how well the engine performs, its acceleration.  In one test, a US Department of Energy study showed that a dirty air filter reduced a vehicle’s get-up-and-go by as much as 11 percent.  

The company that made your vehicle includes guidelines in your owner’s manual on how frequently that filter should be changed, and doing so will maintain your engine’s performance. If you drive in dusty, dirty areas or those with a lot of industrial pollution, we recommend you replace the engine air filter more frequently than the manufacturer’s recommendations.  

When you bring your vehicle to us for regular maintenance, we will routinely check several components, including your engine air filter, and recommend a change when we see signs it’s needed. It’s good for your engine, and you’ll enjoy the performance you expect.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Winter Watch List (Winter Maintenance Items)

Don’t love winter weather? Here’s a list of four things you need to keep a watch on during the winter months.

Let’s start with coolant levels.  Coolant is as important in cold weather as it is in hot weather.  Think of the term “anti-freeze.” Your coolant needs to be adjusted for climate and temperature so the coolant doesn’t freeze when the vehicle isn’t running. Your service facility will know the right mixture.

Next, windshield wiper fluid. Winter weather can be challenging when it comes to visibility, so it’s important to have the correct windshield washer fluid.  Some of it is specially formulated for ice and freezing temperatures. And it won’t freeze if your vehicle has to sit out in below-freezing temperatures.  And don’t forget you can get winter wiper blades that stay clearer in snowy, icy weather than ordinary blades.

Don’t forget your tire pressure and tread.  After all, tires are what connect your vehicle and the road.  As temperatures go down, so does the air pressure inside your tires, so it’s important to keep that up to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure.  Also, make sure your tires have enough tread so they can grip slippery roads. Any service facility can perform a simple test so you’ll know. If you need some new tires, they can help you find those that will fit your driving patterns.

Finally, oil gets thicker when the temperatures go down, so it’s important to have the proper viscosity for your climate.  Consult your service advisor who will make sure your vehicle is using what the manufacturer recommends.

Keep your vehicle prepared for winter weather and it will reward you with the safety and performance it’s designed for.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

The Vivacious Vernal Vehicle (Preparing Vehicle for Spring)

Most of us look forward to spring because the days are longer, the weather’s warmer and we can finally get our vehicles into warm weather mode.  Here are a few things that will breathe fresh energy into anyone’s car, SUV, truck or van.

First thing is a good cleaning, especially underneath. If you live where salt and brine are used on the roads, it’s important to get that off.  One thing to note… if you hose off your undercarriage, be careful not to get your spark plugs/wires wet.  You could notice your vehicle running rough plus the Check Engine light may come on. It usually dries out quickly, but if the engine light stays on for more than a couple of days, have your service facility check it out.

Next, replace your windshield wipers.  They’ve taken a beating through the winter. New ones will have fresh rubber and you’ll see clearly (and safely) out your windshield again.

Have your brakes inspected.  That salt doesn’t do your brake’s metal components any good.  Have a technician make sure your pads and rotors are clean and properly lubricated so they can stop you when you ask them to.

Speaking of wheels, it’s a good time to have your tires checked, too.  Road debris and potholes can take a toll on tread and sidewalls. It may also be a good idea to have a technician check your alignment since you likely have hit something pretty hard on a patch of rough road at some time during the winter.

Make sure your tire pressure is appropriate for the rising temperatures. As the outside air warms up, your tire pressure climbs without you adding any air.  Make sure it’s what the manufacturer recommends.

Finally, treat your vehicle’s interior to a thorough refresh.  Those floor mats and carpets may be white with salt; clean ’em up.  Get rid of wrappers, drink lids, empty water bottles and anything else that’s fallen down.  And if you need to, have your upholstery cleaned so it looks and smells new. A clean exterior is nice, but since you spend your time inside your vehicle, it’ll feel even better when your cabin is sparkling fresh.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

In That Case? (Transfer Case Exchange)

Ever wonder how all-wheel-drive or 4-wheel-drive vehicles get the power from the engine to the front and rear wheels? The magic happens in what’s called a transfer case.  In some all-wheel-drive vehicles, it’s sometime called a power take-off unit, or PTU.

Inside the transfer case is a set of gears.  And to keep those gears meshing smoothly, they have to be lubricated and kept cool.  What does that is called transfer case fluid. Depending on your vehicle’s type of transfer case, it is filled with either an automatic transmission fluid, a gear oil that’s a bit thicker or transfer case fluid designed to be use for your transfer case.

As happens with all lubricating fluids, the transfer case fluid has things in it that break down the older they get.  They have corrosion inhibitors, detergents and anti-foaming agents that keep the lubricant from getting air bubbles in it. Transfer cases don’t have filters in them to clean out impurities.

If you don’t have your transfer case fluid exchanged for fresh, you risk damage to the case, and that can run into thousands of dollars.  So the wise driver makes sure the fluid is changed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.  For many vehicles, that is every 30,000 mi/50,000 km, but some require it more frequently.   Your vehicle service facility can advise you on what your vehicle’s optimal interval is.

During the fluid exchange, any metal filings that may have come off are cleaned off of the drain and fill plugs that are usually magnetized to catch the stray metal pieces.

If you hear grinding noises coming from under your vehicle or if it is having trouble shifting gears or going in and out of 4-wheel-drive, those could be signs your transfer case needs service. In that case, have our technicians check it out.  The best plan of action?  Keep your transfer case fluid maintained and it should keep you heading down the road for years to come.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Ready, Set, COLD! (Getting Vehicle Ready for Winter)

When the temperatures plunge, your vehicle better be ready because it faces a whole new set of challenges.  Rubber stiffens, glass fogs, fluids freeze.  Just thinking about it can get your heart beating faster.  So here are some tips for getting ready for those inevitable colder temperatures.

Make sure your tires are in good shape and properly inflated.  Traction can be less than ideal on slippery streets, so your tires must have enough tread to grip the road.  They should also be inflated properly, and inflation will change as the temperatures go down. One last thing on tires. Do you know how old yours are? They actually have a birthdate printed on them.  Old rubber can compromise drivability and handling.  Some tires look great but their rubber doesn’t handle stresses like it used to.  Have your vehicle service facility inspect all of these aspects of your tires so you are riding on tires that are fit to go.

Anyone who lives in an area where the temperatures get down to freezing knows frigid mornings can reveal an unhealthy battery at the most inopportune time.  Age also counts when it comes to batteries, so you should know how old and healthy yours is.  Special equipment at your service facility can let you know how much more life you can expect out of that battery.  It’s obviously better to have it replaced before rather than after it fails.

You have to see out your windows and windshield in order to drive safely, so now’s the time to have your heater and defroster checked out to make sure they can do their jobs.  A few tweaks here and there can make a big difference before you find yourself shivering and fogged up.

And finally, make sure you have some vital emergency supplies.  Yes, a blanket can save your life if you are stranded in cold weather.  A small shovel can help you dig out of a slippery spot.  And your survival may depend on having a little extra food and water on hand, so keep a little supply of bottled water and power bars stored away. Doesn’t hurt to have an extra cell phone charger in your vehicle, either.

You may have heard all of this before.  Well, trouble happens when you least expect it. Taking a few minutes now can make a huge difference when it rears its ugly head later.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Tylers Auto TV Engine Air Filter Replacement

When your experienced Tylers Auto TV technician changes your oil, he will also inspect your air filter. You shouldn’t need a new air filter at every oil change, but you will need to change it regularly. Heed your technician’s auto advice if they tell you to change your air filter.

An air filter does what its name implies: it filters stuff out of the air. Air is drawn into your engine through the filter because your engine needs air to burn fuel. If the filter weren’t there, a lot of dust and debris would come into the vehicle engine with the air when you are driving around TIGARD. That dust and debris would get hot, burn and produce all kinds of ash and gumminess that would eventually clog up your engine.

Drop in an air filter and voilá! Problem solved.

But air filters themselves get clogged up with all the junk they clean out of the TIGARD air. This doesn’t allow the junk into the vehicle engine, but it does block up the airflow. A blocked airflow will reduce engine efficiency.

TIGARD residents who get a charge out of the feeling of power in their engine might consider upgrading their air filter. Talk to your friendly and knowledgeable Tylers Auto TV service advisor. Premium air filters have been proven to increase horsepower and torque. So with the cost of a premium air filter, you can increase the horsepower in your engine — there’s no cheaper way to do that!

It’s also one of the simplest elements of routine preventive maintenance – and it protects against damage to expensive vehicle electronic systems. No TIGARD resident should have an excuse to drive around OR roads and highways with a dirty air filter.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588