Light’s Out! Trouble Ahead (Exterior Light Bulb Service)

Whether or not your exterior light bulbs are all working probably is not at the top of your list when you think about your vehicle.  But those exterior lights are more important than you think, and they’re vital to your safety and that of other drivers near you.

Headlights are important.  Not only do they help you see safely down the road at night, they also help oncoming drivers know that the vehicle they’re approaching is not a motorcycle.  Both headlights should be working properly and aimed so that they don’t blind other drivers.

Taillights are also important for a few reasons.  They tell drivers what your intentions are (changing lanes, turning, stopping).  So, the bulbs back there must be all in working order for maximum safety. Ditto for the front turn signal lights.  They alert oncoming drivers to your lane changes or turns (if you use your turn signals!).  Some side mirrors also have turn signal bulbs in them.

There are a few other important bulbs.  You may not care about the ones that illuminate your rear license plate, for example. But they are there to help public safety forces identify your vehicle. In fact, in many municipalities you can be pulled over and ticketed if ANY of the standard lights are burned out.  So not only does having all your exterior lights working improve your vehicle’s safety, it may keep you from getting a ticket.

Many newer vehicles have a light on the instrument panel that will go on if on-board computers detect voltage problems in any of your vehicle’s bulb circuits.  Sometimes it can be hard to figure out which light may be not be working since there are so many. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of replacing a bulb, but it may be an electrical problem causing the problem.  Stay legal and safe by having your service repair facility diagnose and fix a non-working light, a really bright idea, don’t you think?

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Ready, Set, COLD! (Getting Vehicle Ready for Winter)

When the temperatures plunge, your vehicle better be ready because it faces a whole new set of challenges.  Rubber stiffens, glass fogs, fluids freeze.  Just thinking about it can get your heart beating faster.  So here are some tips for getting ready for those inevitable colder temperatures.

Make sure your tires are in good shape and properly inflated.  Traction can be less than ideal on slippery streets, so your tires must have enough tread to grip the road.  They should also be inflated properly, and inflation will change as the temperatures go down. One last thing on tires. Do you know how old yours are? They actually have a birthdate printed on them.  Old rubber can compromise drivability and handling.  Some tires look great but their rubber doesn’t handle stresses like it used to.  Have your vehicle service facility inspect all of these aspects of your tires so you are riding on tires that are fit to go.

Anyone who lives in an area where the temperatures get down to freezing knows frigid mornings can reveal an unhealthy battery at the most inopportune time.  Age also counts when it comes to batteries, so you should know how old and healthy yours is.  Special equipment at your service facility can let you know how much more life you can expect out of that battery.  It’s obviously better to have it replaced before rather than after it fails.

You have to see out your windows and windshield in order to drive safely, so now’s the time to have your heater and defroster checked out to make sure they can do their jobs.  A few tweaks here and there can make a big difference before you find yourself shivering and fogged up.

And finally, make sure you have some vital emergency supplies.  Yes, a blanket can save your life if you are stranded in cold weather.  A small shovel can help you dig out of a slippery spot.  And your survival may depend on having a little extra food and water on hand, so keep a little supply of bottled water and power bars stored away. Doesn’t hurt to have an extra cell phone charger in your vehicle, either.

You may have heard all of this before.  Well, trouble happens when you least expect it. Taking a few minutes now can make a huge difference when it rears its ugly head later.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

The Turn Signal Mystery (Turn Signal Problems)

Some problems are easy to diagnose on a vehicle; others aren’t.  Figuring out what’s wrong with a malfunctioning turn signal sometimes fits into both categories.  By the way, if your tempted to just leave your broken blinker broken, remember you can get a ticket for not using them, not to mention you are missing a great chance to communicate your intentions to other drivers on the road.

There can be lots of signals that your signals are on the blink.  Does only the driver’s side signal not work or the passenger’s side? Do your hazard signals work? Do the lights illuminate but not flash? Can you see the indicators on the dash blinking? Do your turn signals turn off after you’ve finished your turn or do they stay on?  These are all great clues for the technician.

Here’s one common symptom to take note of.  Your signal all of a sudden starts blinking much more quickly than it used to.  It could be a simple as a burned out bulb.  But there are many different parts that go into the turn signal system.  There are fuses that blow, switches that can fail, flasher modules that go bad and light bulb sockets that can simply get corroded or dirty.  When that happens, it’s possible there’s no contact between the bulb and the socket.

So it’s understandable how tracking down the source of the problem can involve some detective work.  Your service facility has equipment that can nail down the cause of your problems. They may also consult the repair manual.  One thing to be aware of: if your vehicle has airbags, they may have to be disabled so they don’t accidentally go off.

You can make sure your turn signals are working correctly by having them checked by a trained technician.  Other drivers will thank you for showing them the courtesy of signaling your intentions.  It’s a courteous and considerate thing to do, not to mention it makes the road a safer place. 

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Growing Old Together (Maintaining an Older Vehicle)

More and more of us are hanging on to our vehicles longer.  A company by the name of HIS Markit recently released a report that shows the average age of light vehicles in the U.S. is now 11.8 years.  Light vehicles are cars, SUVs (sport utility vehicles) and CUVs (compact utility vehicles). 

In Canada, the average life expectancy of a vehicle there is around 13 years, and in the U.S., it’s around 15.  Vehicles are lasting longer these days, and there are several reasons for that.

One expert cites better technology and overall quality improvements.  While in past years, vehicles were made mainly of heavier steel components, more modern vehicles contain lighter magnesium and aluminum alloys, high-strength steel, polymers and carbon fiber.  They last longer and reduce the overall vehicle weight, and that can contribute to better fuel economy.

Modern internal combustion engine designs have been improved, and since they use more computers, they are more efficient with better performance.  Those factors also contribute to a longer-lasting powertrain.  In fact, it’s not unusual to see a powertrain easily last 150,000 miles/250,000 kilometers or more with no major failures.

Drivers are also taking their vehicles in more regularly for periodic maintenance.  Choosing one service facility for all your maintenance can contribute to your vehicle’s longevity, too, since technicians know your vehicle’s repair and service history.

If you bought your vehicle taking out a 5-year loan and you keep it 11 years, you’ve managed 6 of those years without a payment, always a nice feeling.  Plus, a bonus is that you get very familiar with every aspect of that vehicle’s sounds, smells, handling, stopping characteristics, visibility and limitations.  And the more familiar you are with your vehicle, the more confident you can be as a driver.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Not a Good Vibe (Driveshaft Failure)

When you feel your vehicle vibrating as you’re driving down the road, one cause could be something you may not have ever seen: your driveshaft.  It is underneath the vehicle and most drivers don’t climb under there to take a look very often.  The driveshaft is a cylindrical part that helps conduct the rotational power from your engine to your drive wheels.  If you have a four-wheel drive vehicle, you may have two driveshafts. 

The drive shaft has bushings, and when they wear out, that’s a likely source of the vibrations.  When the bushings are in good condition, they prevent the driveshaft from vibrating.  And if you don’t get your vehicle repaired fairly soon after discovering vibrations, they’ll continue to get worse and cause other components of the drivetrain to wear out.

The driveshaft is, of course, only one part of the drivetrain.  It includes other parts such as axles, transmission, differentials and joints.  They all work together and need to be maintained properly.  When a driveshaft fails, there can be symptoms other than vibrations.  They include difficulty turning, rattles, clunks and squeaks coming from underneath your vehicle. You may even feel a shudder when you accelerate from a stop.

Driveshafts can fail when they get corroded or damaged by rough roads, curbs and debris. A trained technician with experience working on drivetrains uses specialized equipment that doesn’t further damage the drivetrain’s other parts.  Sometimes the entire driveshaft will have to be replaced; sometimes the problems can be fixed by replacing individual components. 

Your vehicle’s drivetrain was engineered to propel you smoothly down the road.  When time and distance begin to take their toll, have your vehicle looked at by your service facility. They’ll know how to properly pinpoint what’s causing your problems and restore your vehicle to the reliable, smooth, safe machine its designers worked hard to create.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Pinch Petroleum Pennies! (Fuel Saving Tips)

If you saw a dollar bill on the ground, you’d pick it up, right? Well, whether you find that dollar on the ground or in savings at the gas pump, money is money, and here are some ways to hold on to more of it.

Slowing down is the easiest way to save fuel, especially for every speed increase over 50 mph/80 k/hr.  Tone down the speed, turn up the cash savings.  Drive smoothly (not like a race car driver) and you’ll also save money in fuel.  Aggressive, fast-start, jerky-stop habits are just pulling the bucks out of your wallet about a third more than if you drove just a little more gently.  Oh, and cruise control can help with that smooth, steady speed, so use it on the highway. Bonus!

Are you hauling around a set of dumbbells or a box of books? That extra weight is costing you dough.  Store them somewhere else.  When’s the last time you checked to see your tires were inflated properly? That’s another money saver and makes your vehicle safer.

An idle thought… don’t idle any longer than you have to.  If you will be idling for more than 30 seconds you’ll save money by turning off the engine and re-starting it.  More and more of the latest vehicles now do this automatically.

Some like it cold.  But air conditioning uses a lot of extra fuel.  If you can live with the cabin at 72 on a hot day rather than turned down to arctic freeze levels, you’ll save some cool cash.  Turn off the A/C all together can save you from 5-20 percent

The key to a fuel-efficient vehicle is keeping it well maintained.  If your spark plugs are old, your belts frayed and your brake pads worn, you’re just throwing away fuel.  Try a few of these gas-saving suggestions and while you’re at it, you’ll be helping to reduce your carbon footprint that will help everyone on Planet Earth.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

When Metal Meets Metal (Wheel Bearings)

What part of your vehicle has little metal balls inside that are lubricated and allow you to cruise on down the road?  They are wheel bearings, and automotive designers might argue they are human beings’ second greatest invention of all time (the first is, of course, the wheel!).

You have a wheel bearing at each wheel.  They allow your wheels to turn freely, minimizing friction that would ordinarily slow you down when metal meets metal.  When one of your wheel bearings starts to go bad, it lets you know. A wheel bearing does its work quietly when it’s in good health but starts getting noisy when it isn’t.  People describe the noise differently.  Sometimes it sounds like road noise, a pulsating, rhythmic, sound.  That pulse speeds up when your vehicle speeds up. 

Here’s what’s happening when you hear that sound.  As mentioned, the bearing has these little metal balls inside a ring.  They have a lubricant inside to reduce friction between the balls; modern wheel bearings are sealed and they’re intended to do their job without any maintenance. 

Wheel bearings take a beating; you hit some rough potholes or go over some uneven railroad tracks. Sometimes water can get into a bearing and reduce the ability of the lubricant to do its job.  Time starts to take its toll, too. When the lubricant isn’t reducing friction like it should, the bearing can heat up. One of those little balls can start shedding pieces of metal and soon those shards start grinding up the other balls.  Friction takes over and soon your wheel isn’t turning smoothly. That’s what’s causing the sound.  If a wheel bearing is not fixed, it could eventually seize up completely, and you can be stranded.

It’s a lot easier if you heed the early warning signals, that pulsating noise.  Now, sometimes a similar noise can be caused by a bad tire, but in either case, it’s important to have it checked out. Our Tylers Auto TV technicians will be able to tell you fairly quickly what the problem is and offer a solution.

Wheel bearings generally don’t fail often and usually last from 85,000-100,000 miles/140,000km to 160,000km. But consider them a long-term maintenance item that, once fixed, will keep you heading smoothly to the next destination.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

QUIET TIME (Listening for Vehicle Problems)

Everybody’s got friends like this.  You know, the kind who, the minute they get in their vehicle and turn the key, the sound system is deafening.  They just love to hear that music, sports, news… anything but the sound of the vehicle itself.

And maybe you’re that person, too.  Here’s something to consider: your sound system might be drowning out some valuable clues that could help you diagnose problems with your vehicle, problems that need to be dealt with. So, turn down the volume and listen for these things:

  • A clicking sound when you’re braking or turning—You could be missing some parts in your braking system, or it could be damaged. That sound could also signal that components are just plain worn out.
  • Rattling under the hood—If it sounds like metal clanking against metal, you could have something serious going on, maybe an overheating engine or your timing needs adjusting. That knocking sound could also be as simple as you’ve been using lower octane gasoline than is recommended for your engine.  Time to get that checked out.
  • A squealing or high-pitched sound coming from the engine compartment. Could be a belt is loose, wearing out, dried out or cracked. A pulley might be failing or a bearing might be on its last legs.  Better to have that fixed now than be stranded somewhere later.

Here’s our Tylers Auto TV suggestion – set a regular weekly alarm in your smartphone alerting you to listen to your vehicle once a week for five minutes.  Just five minutes without the music or the sports show or public radio… whatever your taste is. You can even use your smartphone to record any noise you might be hearing.  Between that and your description to your service advisor, a Tylers Auto TV technician should be able to diagnose the source of the noise and get your vehicle sounding healthy again. Do it before that noise turns into the sound of a serious problem. 

Who knew a little quiet time could be so useful?

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

A Fluid Situation (Check Fluid Levels)

There’s one fluid in your car you are always careful to keep at a certain level: the fuel. If you don’t have fuel, you’re not going anywhere.  Your vehicle has other fluids which are vitally important to proper and safe operation, too.  So, here’s a “level” headed approach to those “other” fluids.

Engine oil.  This one’s probably the most important fluid to maintain at the proper level. Without enough oil, you’ll wear out your engine prematurely.  Sometimes vehicles have warning lights on the dash that will tell you to get your oil checked.  Don’t ignore that one; get it checked immediately.  Certainly don’t go on a long trip at high speeds with your oil level low. Oh, and it’s not good to have too much oil in, either. Our pros at Tylers Auto TV can advise you on oil levels and tell if you if you should be concerned about abnormal fluctuations.

Windshield washer fluid.  OK, this is one you probably know about.  You certainly miss it when it runs out.  You find yourself trying to clean your windshield with the wipers but you need a little liquid help.  Unless you live in an area that requires you to use an awful lot of windshield washer fluid, one fill-up can often last between oil changes.  Modern vehicles have large enough windshield washer fluid reservoirs to keep you going for quite a while.    

Engine Coolant. Here’s another fluid you need to keep your engine running properly.  You need it to keep the engine running at the proper temperature.  Plus, you’ll need it for heat when the temperature gets chilly outside. 

Power Steering Fluid. If you have a vehicle that uses power steering fluid, it’s important to keep the correct amount in your system. Without enough of it, you might find steering difficult.  Plus, if you’re losing power steering fluid, our experts at Tylers Auto TV can find out why and perhaps prevent a more expensive repair later.

Brake Fluid.  You may have heard of hydraulic brakes.  Hydraulic refers to the fluid and is one of the key reasons your brakes work.  Levels should be checked regularly and, like power steering fluid, if you’re losing brake fluid, a technician needs to find out why so you can get the issue repaired and maintain your stopping ability.

If you have regular preventative maintenance performed at Tylers Auto TV, we’ll keep an eye on all of these fluids when you bring your vehicle in for service.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588

Dashboard’s a Funny Name (Instrumental Panel Warning Lights)

Every day you drive, you’re sitting behind the dashboard. But how in the world did it get that name? Back in the days of the horse-drawn carriage, horses would kick up dirt and mud on the driver and passengers, “dashing” debris against the carriage. So those who built carriages began installing a board to protect them. So, dash-board. Dashboard.

The dashboard is still there, though changed quite a bit from the early days. Now its main purpose is to house the controls and instruments for your vehicle’s systems.

Of course, you have the speedometer, tachometer and gas gauge. But there are four warning lights you need to pay attention to on your dashboard and instrument panel. Some of these may even be gauges, depending on your model of vehicle. Regardless, paying attention to them is a good idea if you want your vehicle to keep going as long as possible.

Oil pressure—The oil pressure light will come on if your engine doesn’t have enough pressure in its system. Low oil pressure means engine parts aren’t getting lubricated properly. This can cause really serious damage and do it quickly. If your oil light goes on, call your Tylers Auto TV service advisor immediately if you can. Even driving a short distance may ruin your engine.

Check Engine light—If a light that looks like an engine comes on, it’s not necessarily signaling a catastrophe. But it means one or more sensors in your vehicle have detected an abnormal situation. Have your vehicle checked soon. There will be a code stored in your vehicle that a technician can read and use it as an extra clue as to what’s going on.

Brake light—If this lights up, first check if your parking brake is on. If it isn’t, you could have serious brake issues. It’s a sign you should get the brakes checked soon at Tylers Auto TV.

Tire pressure—Tire pressure monitors are built in to newer vehicles. They let you know if any of your tires are over or underinflated. Both conditions need to be checked out. That could prevent a blowout or premature tire wear.

The dashboard isn’t what it used to be. In fact, it’s much better now… and much more informative. Take advantage of that information and keep your vehicle running the way it’s meant to.

Tylers Auto TV
12485 SW MAIN ST
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-5588